Senin, 29 November 2010

cocoretan eps. 1

aqq ingin suatu saat kau mengerti smua yang aqq ingin aq ingin kau ada dsaat kuada n menemaniku saat sepi tapii... mungkin semua mustahil.. karena tak se dikit pun kau memandangku.. mungkin ini hanya akan menjadi impian semata.. atau mungkin kisah yang akan tertutup dalam peti matii? hahhh aq tak tahuuu...

Rabu, 10 November 2010


Dear God lyrics Songwriters: Baker, Zachary James; Haner, Jr., Brian Elwin; Sanders, Matthew Charles; Sullivan, James Owen;A lonely road crossed another cold state line Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find While I recall all the words you spoke to me Can't help but wish that I was there, back where I'd love to be, oh yeah Dear God, the only thing I ask of You Is to hold her when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away We all need that person who can be true to you But I left her when I found her and now I wish I'd stayed ?Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired, I'm missing you again, oh no, once again There's nothing here for me on this barren road There's no one here while the city sleeps and all the shops are closed Can't help but think of the times I've had with you Pictures...

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